Predesigned T-Shirts

Over the years, Total Concept has designed many T-Shirts. The shirts shown on this page were especially created for our sister company, T-Chertz, LLC. There are many more coming.

5th Degree Black Belt Series

We have found substitutes for those of us who can never achieve these high honors in the martial arts.

The Fishing Series

Here we offer two unique styles of design and we have plans to expand this section. There are many species of fish in numerous locations to cover.

The Political Series

We are all registered Independents here at T-Chertz so there are no one sided opinions expressed here.

The Naked Series

The Naked Series is a humorous array of T-shirt designs combining certain foods we eat and oral hygiene.

General Nonsense Series

Even if you’re over 30, you should still get your mother’s permission to look at these T-shirt designs.


Visit our sister site, to see the full, up to date line of t-shits and place orders.

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